
At night, Friday-Saturday March 13-14

1st Impression

A certain Great King had a very beautiful daughter whom he wished to marry to one of the kings of the earth. So he summoned a herald with a message, he was to carry. The herald visited the court of a king, who was so glad to receive an envoy from the Great King that he ordered a greet banquet prepared in his honor. Then he loaded the herald with presents and built a statue in his honor and sent him away. But the Message he heard not.

2nd Impression

A certain Great King had many daughters. And they were exceedingly fair and of marriageable age. Wishing to marry them to the kings of earth, he summoned a herald, telling him that whosoever married one of his daughters would have a dowry whatsoever they desired. So the herald visited the court of one of the kings who was so glad to receive an envoy from the Great King, that he rejoiced and ordered a great banquet and prepared a holiday for all his people in honor of the envoy. Then he loaded the herald with presents and built a statue in his honor and sent him away. But the Message was heard not.

Then the great King sent him to another king with a like result. So the Great King sent in his stead other messengers from time to time. And some of the messengers were stoned, and some were tortured and driven away by the people. And some kings were so honored at receiving a messenger that they warred with one another as to who was entitled to the greatest honor for having received the greatest envoy.

But few were those who first listened to the herald and his message and then went to the Great King. And they that went found his daughters so exceedingly fair that they gave up their kingdoms and dwelt at the court of the Great King where sorrow came to them no more.