Children’s Poetry

More Gay Stories


Skip, skip to McFarland’s shop to get a stick of candy,
Or peppermints or jelly beans, for all of them are dandy.

This is the doll house that Jack built.
This is the corridor, about one foot tall,
But most of my dollies are rather small
And fit in the house that Jack built.

This is the parlor, rather neat,
But dollies always have clean feet,
And on the whole, are one foot tall,
So even if the corridor is small,
They like the house that Jack built.

This is the dining room with plates and dishes,
Although each dolly only eats what she wishes,
When they come to the house that Jack built.

And this is the kitchen, with its pretty stove,
And a special acting place in an alcove,
Because we save all the plates and dishes
So every guest doll can have what she wishes,
If they only come in with very clean feet,
Or they most stay out of the parlor that’s neat,
That entered from the corridor rather small,
And fit for dollies about one foot tall,
Who visit the house that Jack built.

And here are the stairs that go up and down,
About the nicest that you can find in town,
And all in the house that Jack built.

And here are the dollies, who have so much fun,
And come of the front door on the run,
To greet their guests in the entrance hall,
Although the corridor is rather small,
And they enter the parlor with very clean feet
Because everything there is kept so neat,
And they each can have whatever she wishes,
As if the dining room had fairy dishes,
And they don’t have to cook on the kitchen stove,
Or, if there are guests, eat in the alcove.
Then they can climb up the stairs,
And see the toys and teddy bears,
And look at the bed-rooms which are also clean
And see everything there is to be seen
In the doll house that Jack built.