Physicians of the HeartBased on the book, Physicians of the Heart

The cards of the 99 Beautiful Names of Allah were created in response to numerous requests and serve as an adjunct to the book Physicians of the Heart authored by Pir Shabda Kahn, Faisal Muqaddam, Imam Bilal Hyde, and Murshid Wali Ali Meyer. Each card provides a summary of a Divine Name, its pronunciation, and its number on the list of 99 Names. The number 99 serves as a symbol for an unlimited quantity.

The Beautiful Names are called the Sifat, or attributes of Allah. The words "Allah" and "God" refer to the ineffable Reality, the Essence of all things. The Sifat only exist as differentiated aspects of Allah. They are neither identical to nor distinct from the essence. The Names have historically been invoked as aids for awakening consciousness of the Divine.

Order from Amazon                    Pronunication Guide for the 99 Beautiful Names

They have also been applied as remedies for diseased, disconnected, habitual, and confused existence. When using a Name as a remedy for a condition, the authors also suggest invoking pairs of divine Names that bear an intimate relationship with other; to amplify a Name's effect, it can be chanted with a Name that expresses its opposite as well.

From helping us to learn and retain the meanings of the Names, to prompting us to chant their sounds, to giving a daily reading, the cards can support remembrance of God in our daily life. They serve to form an acquaintance with and perhaps even a relationship with some of the attributes of Allah.