
Ruh News 25

ISSUE 25, May 20, 2024
What is Sufism, a short video excerpt of Pir Shabda Kahn
Bodhisattva Alert, by Hakim Saul-uddin Barodofsky
Murshid Wali Ali's Tasbih, by Fateah Saunders
Om Namah Shivaya, A Love Affair, by Raphael Rod Birney
About the Youth Council, by Aliye Gallagher
Reflections on the Jamiat Aam, by Rashida Diane Cullumber
Treasurer's Report with Pie Charts, by Waduda Welsh

ISSUE 24, February 27, 2024

An Interview with Pir Shabda Kahn by IAS
Urs Mubarak Pir Moineddin Jablonski
Wali Ali Treasury, by Paula Saffire
Dervish Healing Order, new teaching website
Sunrise in the West, by Wali Ali Meyer

ISSUE 23, December 13, 2023

Message from Pir Shabda Kahn
In Loving Remembrance
Selection from the Archive of Murshid Samuel Lewis
Dervish Healing Order, new teaching website
Book releases: Sunrise in the West; In Family's Footsteps
The Hope Project, news and links

ISSUE 22, October 29, 2023
Opening Words, by Jilani Prescott
Practices for Peace in the Middle East, by Murad Finkelstein
Sammy Award 2023, honoring Barakat Bryan
Sunrise in the West, and other book releases
Building the Dargah of Murshid SAM, new video
Murshid Wali Ali's Burial Site, Southwest Sufi Community

ISSUE 21, July 28, 2023

School of Living Wisdom, a letter from Pir Shabda Kahn
Old Video Footage of Joe Miller, by Ali Charles
Celebrating Joe Miller, a short video by Anahata Iradah
Treasurers' Report with Pie Charts, by Waduda Welsh

ISSUE 20, May 19, 2023

Silence, the Heart of Retreat, by Saladin Pelfrey
Presential Silence, by Himayat Inayati
Memorial Service for Murshid Wali Ali Meyer, video link
Communication through the Breath, a selection from the Murshid SAM Archive
New Publications: Médicos del Corazón: 99 Vías de Sanación de los Sufíes
and Letters (to Mansur) from Moineddin
Gathering Together Again

RUH NEWS 19 ISSUE 19, March 23, 2023
Concentration Practice, by Hakim Saul-uddin Barodofsky
Esoteric Papers Library
Walking Practices, Precious Keys to Life, by Pir Shabda Kahn
Ruhaniat Sufi Youth Council
Bringing Home Murshida Khadija Goforth
New Khankah SAM Website
Cherag Unfoldment, Two-Year Course, by ZubinNur Westrik
Touching in with Pir Shabda Kahn in India
RUH NEWS 18 01 ISSUE 18, December 21, 2022
In Memoriam: Murshid Wali Ali Meyer
Universal Worship Ray Today, by Pir Shabda Kahn
History on Service of Universal Peace, by Najat Roberts
History of Ethics Agreement, but Bedri'uddin Perry Pike
Sammy Award Recipients
In Loving Remembrance

RUH NEWS 17 01 ISSUE 17, October 10, 2022
Stories from the DUP Turkish Caravan, by Pir Shabda Kahn
Update on Murshid Wali Ali, by Sabura Meyer
Visiting Murshid Wali, by Tawwaba Bloch
Ashram Diary, by Sabura Meyer
Soulwork: Neuroscience, by Raphael Birney and Yahya Nadler
Physicians of the Heart Wazifa Card Deck
The Music of the Sufi Choir & More, from Allaudin Mathieu
RUH NEWS 16 01  ISSUE 16, July 14, 2022
Ruhaniat Khilvat Council
Khilvat in Times of Transition, by Rahimah Sweeney
Some Khilvat Considerations, by Khadija Goforth
Khilvat at Home, by Najat Roberts
On Khilvat Practice & Training, Stories from our Sangha
SoulWork: Originas & History, by Raphael Birney and Yahya Nadler
RUH NEWS 15 01 ISSUE 15, May 19, 2022
Blessing from Murshid SAM, a photo by Mansur Johnson
Spotlight on Southwest Sufi Community
Love in Action Work Party, by Bahaar Thomas
SSC Camp and Volunteer Opportunity
Next Gen Scholarship Fund Now Open
Die Before Death, new book by Mansur Johnson
RUH NEWS 14 01 ISSUE 14: March 3, 2022
A Message from Pir Shabda Kahn
Principles and Practices of Inner and Outer Peace, a River of Guidance program with Jonathan Granoff
Healing Ritual for Peace
In Remembrance, Murshida Asha Greer
Urgent Call, Embrace Religious and Ethnic Diversity in India
RUH NEWS 13 01 ISSUE 13: December 23, 2021
Sammy Award 2021 Recipient Tarana Wesley
Pandemic Fund Merged with Mureeds' Emergency Fund
(Not So) Hidden Gems by Ali Charles
Murshid Wali Ali's Care Fund
Remembrance of Those Who Passed in 2021

ISSUE 13 FOLLOW UP: December 24, 2021
Revised "Remembrance of Those Who Passed in 2021"

RUH NEWS 12 01 ISSUE 12: October 28, 2021
SoulWork Overview by Raphael Birney and Suzanna Yahya Nadler
The Process of SoulWork, video of Murshida Mariam Baker
Update on Murshid Wali Ali Meyer
When What We Believe Becomes What We Do by Murshida Darvesha MacDonald
Circle of Love: Feeding the Homeless with Hot Soup, Sandwiches and Kindness by Baraka Brenda Beeley 
RUH NEWS 11 01 ISSUE 11: August 24, 2021
Letter from Pir Shabda Kahn, COVID-19 and Vaccination
Bird Photography as Ziraat Practice, an interview with Pir Shabda Kahn
Update on Murshid Wali Ali Meyer
New Kinship Ray website
Announcing Ruhaniat Events Calendar 
RUH NEWS 10 ISSUE 10: July 10, 2021
The Nature Devotion Practice
In Remembrance of Murshida Khadija Goforth
Texts from Jamiat Aam Service of Universal Peace
New Books in the Ruhaniat Bookstore
Ruhaniat Mureeds Pandemic and Crisis Relief Fund 
RUH NEWS 09 ISSUE 9: May 3, 2021
Centennial of the Universal Worship Service
Ordination of Sirajs
Growth and Change for the Service of Universal Peace
Historical Notes of the Service of Universal Peace
Ruhaniat Mureeds Pandemic and Crisis Relief Fund
Update from the Liberation Collective 
RUH NEWS 08 ISSUE 8: February 26, 2021
Urs Celebration of Pir Moineddin Jablonski
The 16 Breaths, a practice from Murshida Asha Greer
next gen Sufi community announces new website
A Message from the Murshids' Circle
RUH NEWS 07 ISSUE 7: December 29, 2020
A Message from Pir Shabda Kahn
Welcome to Murshida Rahmana Dzuibany and Murshid Jelaluddin Hauke Sturm
The Mantle of Ministry
Connecting with the Sangha: The Zikr of the Doorknob
RUH NEWS 06 ISSUE 6: November 11, 2020
A Message from Pir Shabda Kahn
Southwest Sufi Community News
Kinship Ray Update
Video Interview with Sheikh Dakini Maris Warrior
RUH NEWS 05 ISSUE 5: August 28, 2020
Articles: Reflections, Transmission and Rise Up
Welcome to Murshid Himayat Inayati
Video Selections
Selections from the Murshid Samuel Lewis Archive
RUH NEWS 04 ISSUE 4: June 25, 2020
A Message to Our Community
A Time to Listen; A Time to Learn and Unlearn; A Time for Action:
Commentary from 33 People in 13 Countries
Liberation Committee
RUH NEWS 03 ISSUE 3: April 25, 2020
Ruhaniat Mureeds Pandemic Relief Fund
Pilgrimage, Three Stories
Murshid SAM Biography Project
Murshid Sam Archives, A Selected Reading
Treasurers' Report, by Waduda Welsh
RUH NEWS 02 ISSUE 2: March 1, 2020
Video Interview with Murshida Darvesha MacDonald
News from Southwest Sufi Community
The Murshids' Circle Welcomes New Murshids
Mureed Advocate, Daniel Wasserman
RUH NEWS 01 ISSUE 1: December 19, 2019
Introduction to Ruh News
Sammy Award 2019 given to Sheikha Magdalena Goldman
A Report from the USA-Mexico Border by Murshid Abraham Sussman