Mureeds' Emergency Fund

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Mission Statement

The mission of the Mureeds' Emergency Fund (MEF) is to provide funds on a one-time basis for a Ruhaniat mureed who finds themselves in an unexpected situation for which a gift of $200 - $1,000, a small amount, can be enormously helpful. Challenging situations include, but are not limited to, accident, injury, travel-transportation emergencies, sudden illness, and threats or upset to basic survival needs such as food and shelter as a result of an emergency. The MEF Committee is to receive applications for emergency assistance from a mureed (or someone acting on their behalf) and to quickly respond, calling upon the Spirit of Guidance to inform the decisions made to gift funds received through the generous donations of Sufi Ruhaniat International mureeds and friends.

Contact the MEF Committee:
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Sometimes it is helpful for an advocate, with permission from the mureed in a crisis situation, to speak on behalf of them. If you are in an emergency, you may wish to contact your guide to assist you in the application process. We remind everyone that our local communities are a potential resource in times of crisis.

The assistance comes to you as a gift from the Ruhaniat. There is no expectation of repayment, although you are always welcome to donate to the fund in the future if you wish.

Help support this service!
Your donations to the Mureeds' Emergency Fund directly assist mureeds in our worldwide community. Thank you!

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