By PamAllah Dussault

How lovely is a walk in the woods….. with the wind river sound through
the tree tops, the shades of color and textures and scents along the
way. Being embraced by the quiet, rooted nature of the tree people.

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And how soothing it can be to sit by a beautiful river with all your
senses open. The rush and gurgle of flow and movement; perhaps the
sparkling diamonds scattered across the ripples; the fresh negative ions
doing their alchemical magic dance with our bodies.



How exhilarating to arrive at the high viewpoint precipice you were
aiming at at the onset of your hike…. Looking out over the vastness
before you from your eagle eye perch.



And how delightful is it to get low to the earth and peer closely into the
fairy worlds that are often overlooked by our 2 legged fast moving

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These things I speak of in and of themselves are enough, yet I have
found much joy in playing and arranging what I find around me in the
spirit of beauty and earth art. It is most often an opportunity for an art
meditation… a prayer.



I like to imagine what the next person behind me might feel as they
come upon the organic offering along their way. And I like to reflect on
the aspect of impermanence that creating and making these offerings
points to as they will be blown and rained and and walked over and
flowed over back to their scattered organic place in their nature scape.



I have been very inspired by the artist Andy Goldsworthy (check out the
film ‘Rivers and Tides’).



I hope that some of these photos inspire you to make your own prayer
in nature some day!


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Pamela's music link:
Instagram: gorgefreestylecuisine



For more images see