Dargah Nizamuddin
With Tai Situpa
Pir-o-Murshid Dargah
SAM Dargah Dedication 2014
Mendocino Murshids
Sufi Sesshin 2016
Federation Gathering 2011


Pir Shabda Kahn brings gentleness and humor in transmitting the rich lineage of Sufism since 1969. He has been the Pir -- spiritual director -- of the Sufi Ruhaniat International since 2001. This universal Sufi lineage traces from Hazrat Inayat Khan and Murshid Samuel Lewis.  

Pir Shabda has studied and performed North Indian classical vocal music under the guidance of the late master singer Pandit Pran Nath. He is also a disciple of the illustrious Tibetan master, the 12th Tai Situ Rinpoche. 

As Pir of the Sufi Ruhaniat International, Shabda directs the Jamiat Khas (the Ruhaniat leader circle), directs the SRI Board of Trustees, and is the spiritual director for the Dances of Universal Peace worldwide. He has a regular zikr meeting in Marin County, California, and travels the world throughout the year spreading the Sufi Message of Love, Harmony and Beauty. He brings warmth, rich experience and clarity through his service as Pir. He shares his teachings and music to support seekers on their path to awakening. (More...)


New recorded talks by Pir Shabda and a multimedia presentation on the Murshid SAM Dargah Project may be accessed gratis on Also from Mendocino Sufi Camp 2014, five great talks here. Pir Shabda's monthly Marin County Zikr gatherings continue at our beautiful and convenient new San Rafael location. See the schedule for dates and location. Visit Pir Shabda's Blog for the latest news and newsletter archives. Find The Peace Pilgrim's Pledge appended to Pir Shabda's February 2017 Blog. 


The Sufi Invocation

Toward the One, the Perfection of
Love, Harmony and Beauty,
the only Being; 
United with all the illuminated Souls,
who form the Embodiment of the Master,
the Spirit of Guidance.