Beloved Family,

Greetings and Salutations to each and every one of you all around our precious world!

Our first in-face Sufi Retreat in Nevada City went very well. Thanks to our hosts and all who served to make it a reality. We actually danced outside with agreement from all present and then went inside for the talking/teaching part of the retreat. You can find the video of the teaching segment here.

As the pace of covid changes around the world, each of us in our own way needs to find what works for us in engaging with our families, our friends, our work and the world. Without question, we will find people whose views differ from ours, maybe even irritate us. This is the perfect opportunity to make everyone our teacher who has come to polish the mirror of our Freedom. In response we can breathe in the irritation and breathe out loving-kindness, knowing everything has come as our teacher to help us Liberate in all situations so that our Liberty is no longer based on circumstances. 

Naturally having been away from so many forms of human contact for over a year we will all be in process of relearning and readjusting. I invite you to stay in your breath, to feel what is happening in your body, mind, and heart. Keep learning from what the world is bringing you and discover what you can offer the world to relieve suffering and bring Joy!

In order to help this process, we can practice the wazifa YA RAQIB - having love and care be the power that helps us concentrate on our life’s blessed mission.

On the bird front, we have been able to watch many Osprey chicks grow, fledge and fly around. The same is true for a mating pair of Peregrine falcons and now eagles!

Sending love and blessings far and wide,



Wazifa Practice

Recite 101x


43. Ya Raqib (yaa ra-ḲEEB)

Ar-Raqib combines the qualities of protection and watchfulness. Its meaning of “watching over” integrates two concepts: to watch the stars until the dawn comes, and to watch a baby while it is sleeping.

Ar-Raqib means to fully give loving attention, and at the same time to possess the inner quietude that makes real concentration possible. The best technique for learning to concentrate is to awaken loving interest for the object of concentration and to use this love as a focus for one-pointed attention. Concentration can best be held and grow within the context of caring for what we love.

From Ar-Raqib comes muraaqabah, an advanced Sufi technique of concentration that begins with hush dar dam, watching the breath. Ar-Raqib brings expanded awareness of the inner world, taking one beyond the physical into the metaphysical. Repetition of Ya Raqib is helpful in attaining focus in your concentrations. 

To hear the pronunciation: Ya Raqib


Text and Commentary to Study

This next month we continue reading:

Commentary on

Cosmic Language of Pir-o-Murshid Hazrat Inayat Khan,

by Murshid Samuel Lewis

He considered this one of his best works.

Read Chapters 7 - 9, pages 55-84.

Click to download

Commentary on Cosmic Language



1aDancingNevadaCity.JPGDancing in Nevada City

1bTeachingNevadaCity.jpgTeaching in Nevada City

1cEarlyStageJuvOsprey.jpgEarly-stage juvenile Ospreys

2JuvenileOsprey.jpgJuvenile Osprey

3FemaleTwoJuveniles.jpgFemale and two juveniles before they fledged.

4MaleOspreyDinner.jpgMale Osprey bringing dinner

5HereIsDinner.jpgHere is some dinner for you and the kids

6MamaOsprey.jpgMama Osprey flying in with juvenile in the nest

7JuvOspreyFlight.jpgJuvenile Osprey enjoying flight

8JuvenileEagle.jpegJuvenile Bald Eagle

9AdultBaldEagle.jpgAdult Bald Eagle

10PapaPeregrine.jpgPapa Peregrine feeding his daughter a swallow, with mama looking on.

11FledglingPeregrineFalcon.jpgFledgling Peregrine Falcon

12FirstFlights.jpgFirst Flight

13JuvenileRedShouldered.jpgJuvenile Red -Shouldered Hawk

14JuvenileRavens.jpgJuvenile Ravens just before they fledged

15BlackCrownedNightHeron.jpgBlack-crowned Night Heron

16HornedGrebe.jpgHorned Grebe

17CaBlueBird.jpgCalifornia Blue Bird who attended our Sufi Retreat

18AcornWoodpeckerBath.jpgAcorn Woodpecker having a bath in our fountain

20PeachHarvest.jpgPeach Harvest

19AvocadoHarvest.jpgAvocado Harvest