Beloved Family,

Welcome to Spring (or Fall for the Southern Hemisphere)!


Naturally, our hearts are heavy with the senseless killing of civilians and wanton destruction of property and living things on this small blue-green spinning globe that we call home.


All our worldwide problems, environmental, political, racial, gender, prosperity inequality, and all wars and conflicts are the result of human ignorance, greed, pride, jealousy, and lack of self-worth. It is natural therefore that the solutions at their core rely on human beings practicing Loving Kindness and Compassion, to which we dedicate ourselves. Don’t misunderstand, this doesn’t mean we don’t take appropriate actions, but it does speak to the manner in which we act.

On a hopeful note, the fruit trees are blooming, vegetables on their way to providing sustenance, the birds are mating and nesting, all providing an atmosphere of new beginnings.

And on a playful note, Michele and Barack, the mallard ducks who mated in our pool last year returned a year later to mate again.

Tuesday, I travel across the Atlantic Ocean to share the Message in Germany and Czech Republic, March 29 - April 11. In the same rhythm, many of our colleagues are beginning to travel, the world is slowly emerging from two years of a type of isolation due to the pandemic.

By now you have likely seen the Lama Sufi Sesshin June 29 - July 3 details. I am also traveling to the Southwest Sufi Community land to guide a retreat along with Bryn Morgan August 16 - 21, 2022, details to follow soon.

For our next wazifa I would invite us to stay with the theme of “Protection” and recite YA HAFIZ.

Much love,



Wazifa Practice

Recite 101x


38. Ya Hafiz (yaa ḥa-FEEḌḤ)

Al-Hafiz means that everything in the heavens and earth, down to the smallest particle, is within the protection of Allah. For human beings, it involves becoming mindful, considerate, respectful, and cherishing deeply in your heart. This makes it exactly parallel with dhikr (zikr), which means “to remember.” It is in this sense that God says in the Qur'an, “Remember me, and I will remember you.”

Al-Hafiz is protecting and remembering everyone. To realize al-Hafiz is to be conscious of the greatest of secrets, to know the secret, and to keep it. The order, sequence, and timing of the universe are preserved through this quality.

Invocation of Ya Hafiz is useful for all who need protection from fear, despair, and hopelessness. Al-Hafiz is a matrix for the whole family of the divine Names of protection because it contains within itself all the specific qualities they each evoke.

To hear the pronunciation:  Ya Hafiz


Text and Commentary to Study

This month we finish reading Akibayayat - Life After Death, an unfinished commentary by Murshid Samuel Lewis

Read pages 11-20

Click here

to download the document Akibayayat - Life After Death


Upcoming Events and Teachings

Jamiat Am                                                       March 30 -April 3

Retreat in Czech Republic                              April 4 - 10

Lama Foundation Sufi Sesshin                       June 29 – July 3


Southwest Sufi Community                           August 16 - 21



1Garden.jpgOur garden: Spring is here.

2Bananas.jpgOur bananas made it through the winter and growing toward ripeness

3BarackMichele.jpgMichele and Barack, Mallard ducks, are back for the season

4RahmatMichele.jpgMurshid Rahmat and Michele share teachings

5RedTailedHawksMating.jpgRed-tailed Hawks Mating

6RedTailedHawk.jpgRed-tailed Hawk looking at you

7RavenNestBuilding.jpgRaven building a nest

8RavensChasingRThawk.jpgRavens protecting their nest-building activities from the Red-tailed hawk

9Cormorant.jpgDouble-crested Cormorant looking good for its mate

10CormorantFeeding.jpgCormorant feeding frenzy

11ComminGallinule.jpgCommon Gallinule

12PiedBilledGrebe.jpgPied-billed Grebe

13SwanNesting.jpgSwan Nesting

14TreeSwallow.jpgTree Swallow

16GreenHeron2.jpgGreen Heron with a snack

15NorthernFlicker.jpgNorthern Flicker showing its beauty

17Osprey.jpgOsprey enjoying the catch of the day

18PeregrineFalcon.jpgPeregrine Falcon

19CinnamonTeal.jpgCinnamon Teal pair

20Turkey.jpgWild Turkey in the open space behind our home – Bravo to the cosmic artist